Losing Weight In Your 30s And 40s (GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS!)

Weight Loss : Losing Weight In Your 30s And 40s (GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS!)

Losing Weight In Your 30s And 40s (GOOD NEWS & BAD NEWS!)

Losing Weight in Your 30s and 40s: The Good News & The Bad News

As we navigate through our 30s and 40s, our bodies undergo a plethora of changes that can influence our weight, metabolism, and overall health. While many individuals experience challenges when it comes to shedding pounds during these decades, there are also numerous opportunities for success. This article explores the good news and bad news surrounding weight loss in your 30s and 40s.

The Good News

  1. Established Routines and Knowledge: By your 30s and 40s, you likely have a better understanding of your body and what it needs. With accumulated experience, you are more aware of which diets work for you, how to exercise effectively, and how to manage stress and sleep, all of which are integral to weight management.

  2. Improved Resources: The quest for health and fitness resources has never been more accessible. From fitness apps and online weight-loss communities to nutrition workshops and wellness coaches, there are countless tools available to aid your journey. This accessibility can foster a more personalized approach to weight loss, making it easier to find what clicks for you.

  3. Muscle Maintenance: Though metabolism tends to slow down with age, many people in their 30s and 40s have built a foundation of muscle from previous physical activities. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. By incorporating strength training into your exercise routine, you can help maintain or even increase your muscle mass, which can aid in weight management.

  4. Increased Motivation: Life experiences often lead to greater motivation for many individuals at this stage. Whether it’s a desire to improve health for family reasons, to feel more confident in social situations, or to set a positive example for children, this increased drive can be a potent catalyst for change.

  5. Science-backed Diets: Research has led to the emergence of various effective dietary approaches such as the Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, and plant-based options. These diets offer sustainable ways to eat healthily without feeling deprived, making weight loss more achievable and enjoyable.

The Bad News

  1. Metabolic Slowdown: One of the primary challenges of losing weight in your 30s and 40s is the natural decline in metabolism. Hormonal changes, especially in women during perimenopause, can lead to weight gain. It often requires fewer calories to maintain the same weight, which means careful attention to diet becomes imperative.

  2. Busy Life Responsibilities: As careers advance and families grow, life can become significantly more hectic. The busyness of juggling professional and familial obligations can lead to neglecting self-care, making it harder to prioritize exercise or healthy cooking, which are essential for weight loss.

  3. Increased Stress Levels: With increased responsibilities often comes elevated stress. Stress can lead to emotional eating or cravings for high-calorie comfort foods. The body also produces more cortisol, a hormone that can contribute to weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area.

  4. Plateaus and Frustrations: Weight loss can be nonlinear, and many individuals experience plateaus that can be discouraging. If you’ve previously been able to drop weight quickly, the slower progress often seen in your 30s and 40s can lead to frustration and decreased motivation.

  5. Body Changes: As you age, your body’s fat distribution changes. You may notice that your body holds onto fat in areas it didn’t before. This can be psychologically challenging, especially in a society that often emphasizes youthful appearances.


While there are undeniable hurdles to losing weight in your 30s and 40s, there is also a wealth of good news that can pave the way for success. Combining established knowledge about yourself, the benefits of muscle maintenance, increased motivation, and access to resources can create an effective strategy for weight loss. Awareness of the challenges, such as metabolic changes and busy lifestyles, allows for proactive planning.

Ultimately, the journey to weight loss during these decades calls for patience, adaptability, and a holistic approach to health. Embrace your unique path, focusing on lifestyle changes that are sustainable and aligned with your goals. With the right mindset and strategies, you can achieve your weight loss goals and promote lasting health and well-being in your 30s and 40s and beyond.

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About Ivana Chapman


  1. 🔥If you’re interested in kickstarting your lean and strong journey, get my FREE Lean & Strong Kickstarter Guide with bonus 6 week workout program. -> https://bit.ly/YTpin

  2. I’m 35 and carbs have always made me gain weight even though when I was skinny. It’s even worse now and I’m struggling to fit workouts in being a mother who works a 9-5 and commute everyday.

  3. I have a neurodivergent toddler with a sleep disorder; what is sleep? 🥲

  4. I noticed shortly after I turned 29 that my metabolism was slower and I was eating the same foods I always had but gaining more weight and feeling worse. I have found exercise harder now at 31 and the importance of relaxation and sleep and movement has become so apparent!! I wish I had someone to tell me that this was going to happen and what to expect a few years ago

  5. Your advice will help women a lot.

  6. Question: so I have been having children back to back since 30 and I am now 35 and is due in September of this year. The plan is for this to be the last one. I have picked up bad habbits, barely any sleep with a few toddlers, eating whatever is easiest whic is bad and and more. I want to get serous about weight loss after this baby, is it possible at 35/36 to go from being obese around 200 lbs to a petite builds I want to get down to 130 but I am told by the women around me that being middle aged and having so many kids back to back it’s not possible and that sucks.

  7. OMG I didn’t finish the video yet but thank you for mentioning kids. Everyone advices and tips about anything doesn’t mention having kids ❤

  8. This advice has help me, currently 35 year old women and put on little weight after I damaged my spine in my late 20s, Fell out a tractor and mess my back up, follow by spine surgery. during that time I was not allow to be active, i notice I put weight on then depression hit from family loss I just didn't care about myself. it frustrating as before I was fit farm lass that swung hay bales around like they were just shopping bags. I lift 40kg feed bags no issue now, i know never be a size 8 again and I'm okey with that. but i would like to drop some weight to a size 10, even happy at 12. currently a 14. I don't bother going to gyms as well stable yard can be a my gym with the amount of lifting I do now. Made me feel hey it okey, doing your best and doing right be watching what you eat how much you eat. glad to say with your advice already lost 3 inchs around my waist, even if no yard work to do I go for a long walk with the dogs or take one the old retired horses that cant be ridden for a walk. Recently got back in the saddle, found that help me not only with my mental state but made me want to be more fit for my horse, he having to work out to be fit, then only fair I should to. set myself a goal to wear a summer dress this year

  9. Injury is bad hence be careful.Welldone, thanks for sharing

  10. I’m 30 and I feel like my body suddenly changed, I understand that I’ve grown into a woman and I can’t compare myself to what I looked like when I was in my early twenties but I can’t help myself and end up comparing.

  11. Can I at 28 still build alot of muscle?

  12. My biggest problem is I can cook but I really like to eat

  13. before I reach 30 I never touch 50kg, with my height of 165cm, it's not so tall compared to my other siblings, but after I reach 30, I can't go lower than 52kg I almost hit 55kg last a few months =( I feel heavy whenever I dance or do cardio these days ~

  14. I can't quit twerking for toast 😢

  15. I am 39 years old. 5'4'' and 130lbs. I am still wearing size 4 shirts and size 2 pants, but don't know why I feel I am fat all the time. What is wrong with me?

  16. I think it's a mistake to blanket reduce carbs. Some carbs are reasonably voluminous and satiating, and don't spike blood sugar levels. Just practice moderation with high GI carbs.

  17. Great advice. I was able to lose 50lbs at age 37 by change of diet. Now I’m thin and noticing I am weak. Trying to do more strength now. It’s kinda fun because it’s always easy to set a goal and work toward it. I did the weight loss and now my goal is more workouts for strength and endurance.

  18. Ah well
    I'm 26 and already stressing over loosing weight 🥴🥴🥴

  19. thanks Ivana. This was helpful!

  20. Thank you ivana !! This was of great help!! 🙂

  21. Is bodyweight and callisthenics enough in your 30? I can't get into a gym so workouts need to be at home.

  22. It would be great to hear more about managing nutrition and training and weight loss as a type 2 diabetic over 35

  23. Biggest challenge is to lose thigh fat and get lean legs

  24. Why don’t I have any energy? I am 37 with no preexisting issues.

  25. My biggest challenge is that I love chocolate. 🙂

  26. Thanks for watching! 😀What are your biggest weight loss challenges?

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